Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sally Anderson

Sally Brower Anderson 
 To the Class of 64 
 Thanks for the Memories. Upon graduation, my Viking Ship set sail. San Diego State is my alma mater and also where I found another “Real Viking”, Ken Anderson. We’ve been married 47 years and have 3 wonderful daughters and son-in-laws, who have blessed us with 9 awesome grandchildren. They are great resources for helping Grammy with technology! I recently retired from teaching elementary school and Ken enjoyed being a Navy pilot. He still is selling residential real estate. My “ME” time is spent doing volunteer work, zumba, walking, book clubs, entertaining, and gardening. For my pipe dream in our yearbook, I wanted to travel around the world. We’ve been to 38 countries so far but have oh, so much more to see and experience. It’s a BIG World! 
My faith has sustained me though the low points and made me soooo thankful for all the rest. I never could have survived without it! 
I consider the La Jolla High School Alums my dear friends and partners in crime! Go Vikings! Here’s to love, health, and friendship! 

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