Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kathy Linder Hayward

Kathy Linder Hayward 

It’s challenging to condense 50 years in a paragraph but here goes . . . 
I live in Centennial, Colorado, where I have resided since heading to Boulder, Colorado, for college in 1964.  I spent 17 years as a real estate appraiser while raising my five children (four daughters and one son) and then went back to school to get a Master’s Degree in Media to become a school librarian. I retired as a high school librarian/technology specialist in 2007 and now spend my time enjoying my 7 grandchildren (not all at once!!), playing tennis, bridge, and traveling. My husband and I wrote a book on the brewpubs in Colorado, which was published in 2009, and we are now working on updating in an electronic version. Colorado is the state to live in if you enjoy craft beer! 

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