Thursday, October 9, 2014

Natalie Payne Schmidt

Natalie Payne Schmidt
Life after high school was interesting.  I graduated from Stephens College in 1966 and from USD in Jan of 1969. I got married in May of 1969 and divorced 7 years later.  However, I have two beautiful daughters from that marriage who I basically raised by myself. My daughters waited a LONG time to have children.  All three grandchildren arrived 9 months apart which kept me more than busy.  Julie has Jemma who is t 3 ½ and Kiera who is 2 years old.  Jennifer gave birth to the only boy, Oliver, who turns 3 this November.  Both girls got married in 2009.
I have worked in the medical field since 1984 spending time as a Cancer Registrar and later as a Complaince Auditor.  My father died in 1995 and my mom in 2011.  I retired 10 months after my mother passed away, moved into her house in La Jolla, and fixed it up to my liking.  Still have not gone through every drawer but I will eventually.  I was totally comfortable in the house when a job came up in the Cancer Registry at ScrippsHealth which is close to the house.  It is part time and it is working in follow-up which I love!  I had not planned on going back to work but this was my dream job so I took it and am so happy that I did.
I had breast cancer in 1986 and so far I have survived.  It changed my life too!  I help to start a support group with another gal in 1988 and it is still going strong.  There were no groups in the area at the time.  I worked with breast cancer patients, helping them with their appts, making lists of questions for doctors, etc.  I am not quite as active now.
I think this pretty much brings you up to date.  Any other marriages are not worth mentioning!
I have 2 friends that I have known since first grade and they are my closest friends.
I am happy that I am 68 and that I am in a good space in life!!  Just wish I could find a soul mate but maybe it is not in the cards.

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