Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kathy Shoemaker

Kathy Shoemaker “Shoe” Fellers Update

Since leaving La Jolla High School I am pleased to recall that I am a follower of the clothing logo: “Life Is Good! After obtaining a teaching credential from University of the Pacific, I married the first collegiate I met at freshman camp: Greg Fellers. We resided in Davis while Greg attended veterinary school and I taught 2nd grade in Dixon. After a humid year of internship in Pennsylvania we settled in San Jose and had our first son, Cory. Then, on to lovely little Loomis where we started our own large animal clinic and had son #2, Brad. We stayed 35 very Good years in No. California where I taught elementary school, computer classes and aerobic dance until we followed our sons back to So. California. Now the Good Life of retirement centers in Seal Beach enjoying our GRANDS, Kevin and Camrynn plus the fair weather that allows for biking, hiking, more aerobics, Jazzercise, triathlons, tennis, gardening, etc. We often sneak back north to our Donner Lake retreat for fresh mountain air and snow sports. A most Good highlight of other travels includes hiking through the Amazon, Machu Picchu and on to the Galapagos Islands. We are looking forward to an African Safari in May but in the meantime are focusing on local Save Our Beach and mission projects to hopefully further the ”Life Is Good theme on to our next LJHS Reunion.

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