Thursday, October 9, 2014

Carol Gilormo

Carol Gilormo

From High School, instead of going straight to college (like we should), I headed to Aspen, Colorado with a friend and took a very fun job as a Ski Instructor.  While on the job, I met an interesting woman that had produced the play “Benjamin Franklin Citizen”, that the State Department was sending on a trip around the world and was to represent the United States at the Cannes Film Festival.  The trip lasted about a year and then I went back to Bel Air (lived next door to Elvis Presley) and attended UCLA, (unfortunately, did not graduate).
At age 20, I became a Flight Attendant with Continental Airlines.  I flew for about 12 years.  On a trip from Australia to Los Angeles, with a stop in Fiji, the plane had a major mechanical.  My parents were non-paying passengers on that ill-fated 747 full flight and were looking at a long stay in Fiji before they could get on another flight as non-revenue passengers.  I stayed with them for several days in Fiji and met a very intriguing, German Businessman.  With-in a year, we were married in Germany and moved to Kuwait.
Kuwait was quite an experience, one I wouldn’t want to repeat, but interesting.  We were in Kuwait 2 years.  That entire experience is a very long story.  At the end of our stay, I became pregnant with our first child, flew home, to La Jolla and Katya was born at Scripps, (same hospital as me, different location). 
We were in California for about a year and then moved back to Germany, where our second child, Chris, was born.   We stayed in Germany for a couple of years then moved to Singapore, where our last child, Kim, was born.  We enjoyed 10 fabulous years in Singapore.
When our contract ended in Singapore, we moved back to American, to Solana Beach.  Our kids attended Santa Fe Christian School and Torrey Pine.  As a Christian family, we attended North Coast Calvary Chapel for many years.
By 2006, all the kids had moved out.  Katya was in Graduate School at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.  Chris was a boat Captain, working for a large Hawaiian tour company.  Kim was working and living in Carlsbad. 
So, once again, I packed my bags and moved, over water, to the Big Island of Hawaii.  Now I’m living in a beautiful house across the street from the beach and swim in the clear warm ocean, 2 to 4 miles most days.  I’m also training for the Big 5 Marathon in South Africa, in June 2015.  Katya, by then, will be on a job assignment in Cape Town so it will be great to see her.  For the last 4 years, she has been working internationally as a consultant for a Germany Company.  I have been extremely blessed by having airline travel benefits and I’m taking full advantage of them by traveling all over the world.
That about sums it up.  Let me know if it’s too much information.
Look forward to seeing everyone in October.  Aloha, Carol

1 comment:

  1. Carol, on the outside chance that you read this message, I wanted to say hi and that I am going strong with the Lord. I wanted to thank you again for helping me to start on that path. Ken: worked for American Airlines and we met on the employee bus when you were leaving Continental for the last time. Calvary Chapel was my intro to the fellowship of Christ. My email that I check on a regular basis is
