Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mary-Alice Harris Blanchard

Mary-Alice Harris Blanchard 

Upon our high school graduations, Ron and I continued to date, married in 1967 and just celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary. We have two wonderful children and four grandchildren that are our pride and joy.  All of us live in Mission Viejo, CA within a mile of one another.  We are so fortunate.   

After graduating from San Diego State and entering the world of education, I taught in the San Diego Unified School District, then on to the Cartwright School District (Phoenix, AZ), and finished my career in the Anaheim City School District.  After twenty years teaching Kindergarten and first grade, I went back to school, received my MA in Education Administration at Pepperdine, and finished my career as an elementary school principal.  I retired after 35 years in the profession, loved every minute of it, but am really enjoying retirement!   

Ron also graduated from San Diego State College in Mechanical engineering and received his master’s in Business from Pepperdine.  His career as a CEO had him on the road for many years between the States, England, Japan and driving between Mission Viejo and Torrance, CA.  Currently, he has his own business, Seafarer International, LLC. 

Our retirement years are spent traveling, both in the US and abroad. As well as enjoying our Lake Havasu home throughout the year. I spend many hours quilting for both personal enjoyment and for philanthropy, a very rewarding craft.   For the last 25 years, I have been on the board of the instrumental music program at Mission Viejo High School. Both of our children graduated from Mission.  I also serve on the Advocates for Language Learners executive board. This organization supports our two oldest grandchildren who are in language immersion programs at the elementary and junior high levels.  

A bit of trivia: I am an avid football fan!  Go Chargers!!!! 

Sharing a little about our children and grandchildren makes our last fifty years complete.   
Our daughter has followed in my footsteps and is an elementary school principal. She and her husband are always on the go with our two oldest grandkids (13 and 8).   
Our son is a CFO for an architectural firm. The two youngest grandkids (4 and 3) keep our daughter-in- law and son busy.  Soccer season is about to begin! 

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