Thursday, October 9, 2014

Albert Quick

 Albert Quick

After high school I attended City College for the fall and spring semesters.  During that time myself and Norman “Chuck” Workman tried to enlist in the Marine Corps, the recruiter talked us out of it saying we should finish college first.  In August 1965 I was hired by the San Diego Police Dept.  as a Police Cadet.  In October of 1965 I married my long time girl friend,  Diane Olsen who was a Crawford High graduate.  In January 1966 I received a greeting from the President of the United States inviting me to be his guest on a all expense paid trip to Southeast Asia.  Not wanting to be in the Army,  (as my family dating back to the Revolution were Marines),  I immediately saw the recruiter and joined the Marine Corps.  After boot camp at MCRD San Diego,  Diane and I drove across country to our first duty station at Camp Lejune North Carolina where I was assigned to 2nd recon. Battalion, mainly due to my SCUBA qualifications.  In September 1966 I received orders to WESTPAC and again Diane and I drove across country and back to San Diego where I reported into Camp Pendleton STAGING Battalion, 3 weeks later I stepped off the plane into the sweltering humidity of Phu Bai South Viet Nam.  My assignment was 1st Bn. 9th Marines, ( the walking dead) as a Grenadier, Later I was promoted to fire team leader and my last assignment was as lead sniper for M Co. 3rd Bn. 26th Marines.  During my 9 months in Viet Nam I was shot once, stabbed once and blown up twice and lived.  My last wound was to my left lower leg and foot to which I spent 6 months at Balboa Naval hospital.  I was given an Honorable discharge, a pat on the back and I was a civilian again.  In January 1968 I resumed my duties on the Police Dept. working in Communications, Patrol, Traffic, Narcotics, Vice, Robbery, Motorcycle squad and was founding member of  ASP (Anti sniper Platoon) which later became SWAT.  I retired in 1986 and soon after signed a contract with the city of Lemon Grove to supervise a work release program through the County Courts system.  In 1988 Diane and I moved to Jasper Oregon just outside Eugene Oregon.  In 1989 I went to work for the Conner Corporation as head of security in their motel section.  I completely retired in 2000 and have since helped my wife in her antiques business.  Diane and I will be married 50 years in Oct 2015,  we have 2 children, Lynnette 44 a Teacher of English at the University of Mexico in Mexico City, she is married and has a beautiful daughter Matilda who is 9.  Our son Albert 42, is married and an investigator for Oregon’s prison system.  We live on a small farm built in the 1920’s few neighbors, nice and quiet, I miss the beach but have chosen here to live until I die.....

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