Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sally Anderson

Sally Brower Anderson 
 To the Class of 64 
 Thanks for the Memories. Upon graduation, my Viking Ship set sail. San Diego State is my alma mater and also where I found another “Real Viking”, Ken Anderson. We’ve been married 47 years and have 3 wonderful daughters and son-in-laws, who have blessed us with 9 awesome grandchildren. They are great resources for helping Grammy with technology! I recently retired from teaching elementary school and Ken enjoyed being a Navy pilot. He still is selling residential real estate. My “ME” time is spent doing volunteer work, zumba, walking, book clubs, entertaining, and gardening. For my pipe dream in our yearbook, I wanted to travel around the world. We’ve been to 38 countries so far but have oh, so much more to see and experience. It’s a BIG World! 
My faith has sustained me though the low points and made me soooo thankful for all the rest. I never could have survived without it! 
I consider the La Jolla High School Alums my dear friends and partners in crime! Go Vikings! Here’s to love, health, and friendship! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dale Walters

Dale Walters, P.E.           

Like everyone else, I had no idea where life would take me when I left La Jolla High in the summer of 1964. I had made many friends in La Jolla, PB, Mission Beach and Point Loma after moving to La Jolla from the Bay Area in 1962.  California, and San Diego in particular, were different places then; with less than a third of the 2014 population.  How lucky we all were to have experienced life in Southern California before the boom and, for those of us who stayed here, during the boom times of the next 40 years. 
I left La Jolla, went to San Diego State, managed to get myself drafted, spent two years in the Army, got out, came back, and like so many of us, started out all over again.  I count my life in two parts; before the Army and after the Army.  The best part of “before the Army” is my wife Sue.  We met at San Diego State and will be married 44 years next February 20th.  As far as the Army goes, I volunteered for Viet Nam, went to the NCOC Academy at Fort Benning, Georgia, graduated in the top of my class, and as fate would have it, ended up writing field training curricula for 6th Army Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Ord.  I always credit knowing how to type with saving my life.
I got out of the Army in November 1971 and started a concrete construction company in North County.   The company was successful.  Sue and I started a family.  We were blessed with four children, two boys and two girls.  When construction fell apart in 1982, I returned to San Diego State University and graduated in 1984 with a degree in Civil Engineering.  Three years later I was a registered P.E.; Civil Engineering opened up the world for me.
Sue and I raised our family in Escondido and stayed there for 33 years.  We moved to Rancho Mirage in 2002 and are currently in the process of moving to North Dakota where I plan on finishing up my economic career working with my oldest son.  Two of my children followed me into planning and engineering.  My second son followed my father’s passion for science with a PhD in physics.  My second daughter followed in Sue’s family’s footsteps in education.  We have six grandkids, three boys and three girls.  The target date for full retirement is July 4, 2017.  I’ve always joked that my middle initial, “A” is for “adventure”; who knows where Sue and I will end up?
I had never given much thought to my cohort until seeing everyone, whom were all 17 and 18 the last time we met, so uniformly 67 and 68.  A wealth of similar times and similar experiences, each of us, as one of my old business partners used to say, “exactly the same, only different”. 
 Sue and I had a wonderful time at the 50th and if the fates allow we’ll be at the 60th.  While we had the chance to catch up with a few folks, there were way too many people we either missed or only got to fleetingly reacquaint with.   Thank you Art for taking the time to put this little bit of collective history together for the Class of ’64 to help fill in the missing pieces.

Bob Free

Bob Free

After High School, I got my BA from Berkeley where I met my wife--Carolyn.  We have been married 44 years (yikes!) and have three great sons, all of whom live close by in Seattle.  Two of the sons are married and we have four grandchildren whom we get to see regularly.  The best!!
After college, I got a Masters from Stanford, taught high school for three years, then went to the University of Washington Law School to become a lawyer.  I practiced with the same great firm in Seattle for 35 years, specializing in Immigration Law.  I retired from the firm four years ago and now teach Immigration Law at my alma mater--UW-- where my youngest son is now a  Second Year Law student!!  
I had a great time at the reunion, connecting with old friends.  I was disappointed that Eloise Fernandez and Bruce Forbes could not come and I hope they post something on this blog.  I see Bert Hudgins, my best friend since First Grade at Bird Rock, regularly and he keeps me posted about other LJHS grads.  

William H. Robert

William H. Robert
Pacific Southwest Realty Services
2655 Camino Del Rio North Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108

Since 1979 William H. Robert has been actively involved, on a full time basis, in Commercial Real Estate Sales and Leasing. He is currently a Senior Investment Broker with Pacific Southwest Realty Services where he specializes in the sales and marketing of Commercial Investment Real Estate to both Institutional and Private Investors as well as business' who buy and lease facilities for their own use.

From 1988-1995 Mr. Robert was a Senior Vice President with Daum Commercial Industrial Brokerage Company and its predecessor company, Business Properties Brokerage Company, where he specializes in the Sale and Leasing of Commercial Real Estate. During this period Mr. Robert was a lead broker on a number of major accounts and earned a seat on the prestigious sales leader round table. In 1987 he was appointed Sales Manager of Daum's 45 person La Jolla (Golden Triangle) office. While Sales Manager, Mr. Robert's leadership steered the office into the number one production spot out of 16 offices located in Southern California and Arizona.

Mr. Robert's business career began with the 3M Company in San Diego where he was ranked in the top five percent nationally in sales and was appointed to Sales Manager in the Business Product Division.

Mr Robert is a 40 year resident of North County and resides in Solana Beach.

Janet Smith (Smitty)

Janet Smith (Smitty)

After graduating from the 7-11 and LJHS, I received my degree from SDSU and pursued a career in education. I have taught several schools and graduate levels in San Diego. My most rewarding experiences in education have been in special needs classrooms. I am currently working in several schools throughout San Diego that offer special needs services. 

Pickle ball has replaced tennis. Jazzercise, golf, camping and boating are still some of my favorite activities. 

My husband lost his battle with ALS in 1998. We would have been thrilled with the huge success of the "Ice Bucket Challenge"!!

I have one grown son who is my master chef. He also graduated from LJHS and attended culinary programs at UC Davis and several culinary schools in San Diego. 

y residence is still here in "America's Finest". I am "addicted" to the salt air and currently reside in Point Loma. 

Salute to the most outstanding class ever to attend LJHS!! We're from La Jolla and couldn't be more proud!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reunion Day Photos

Tom Newton

Tom newton

Julie and I have been married for 46 years, all of it spent in Northern California, specifically in Albany, next door to Berkeley. We thought we might have to move to Canada for a while when I refused induction but, for whatever reason, that went away. We have two married sons...one works for the Oakland A's, the other for Google...and four grandkids. I worked forever in "news," first in print and for the last 35 years or so in TV news. I retired about a year ago and I do not watch TV news any more. Julie and I are still about the funniest people I know, and, for the life of me,  I do not understand why we aren't being paid a whole lot of dough just for being us. 


Julie Bowman Fiss

Julie Bowman Fiss    

It is hard for me to fathom that it has been fifty years since we graduated.  Seeing so many classmates last weekend at the Reunion was really a wonderful experience.  I wish everyone had been able to come, as it was a great time seeing OLD friends and getting reconnected.  Some of us got to see friends we had known from kindergarten sixty-three years ago, which was very special.

I was very fortunate to be married in La Jolla  and stay here to raise my two daughters with my husband, Bill.  Melanie and Courtney were LJHS Vikings, too, and married LJHS Vikings.  Both my girls met their husbands after graduating from college and didn’t know them beforehand.  Melanie graduated from LJHS in 1991 and Kyle Kraus in 1989.  Melanie is a Step-Mom to Katie eleven and Johnny nine.  Melanie now resides in Phoenix with Kyle and family.  Melanie has been a pharmaceutical rep for thirteen years.  Courtney graduated from LJHS in 1994 and Andy Irwin in 1996.  The greatest part of this story is Andy is the son of Dan Irwin, Class of 1964!! So, as luck would have it, Dan and I share two grandchildren.   Our boy Carter is six and attends Bird Rock Elementary (my Alma Mater K-6).  Our girl Sydney is three and attends La Jolla Presbyterian Pre-School where my girls attended, and Andy, too!  Well, there is more!!!  My daughter Courtney taught Spanish at La Jolla High School up until two years ago.  She is now a stay-at-home mom.   Amazing there are five LJHS Vikings in my family!!!!

Having two grandchildren in town is fantastic.  I enjoy babysitting.  It is especially fun when Dan, Sally, and I baby-sit  together.  It’s just the best.  Our family dinners are a highlight, as Dan loves to cook for all of us.

The past few years have been a big adjustment for me.  Bill, my husband of thirty-eight years, was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.  He passed away in 2008.  After his passing, the girls and I wanted to honor him in some way.  In 2009 we formed the William G. Fiss Memorial Foundation, a 501C3 nonprofit organization.  Bill was very passionate about his alma mater, San Diego High School.  Through his involvement at the school, he realized how many students were dropping out.   He became a mentor to many  at-risk students.  We started the William G. Fiss Memorial Foundation so we could raise money for scholarships for seniors going to college.  We have had two golf tournaments at the Coronado Golf Club.  The winner of our two tournaments was our own classmate, Art Harris!!  Since 2009 we have personally interviewed and awarded college scholarship money and a laptop computer to twenty-five students.

I keep very busy with family and wonderful friends.  I treasure my time at the beach with the children, a beautiful sunset with friends, travel with family and friends, volunteering in various capacities, and a little bridge.  I also have stayed in very close touch with our LJHS English teacher and counselor, Sue Harjo Meader.  I visit her at least once a week, as she is residing at Sunrise here in La Jolla.  She just celebrated her eighty-third birthday in July. 

I just want to say one more HUGE thank you to all who worked on the Reunion and made the 50th indeed a night to remember. 

Go Vikings!!!!  Julie Bowman Fiss      

Kathy Hayward

Friday, October 10, 2014

John Yount

John Yount
One of our classmates. 

Linda Lyerly

Linda Lyerly

Linda has 1 son and 2 grandkids who live on Maui. She has written, illustrated and published 3 children's books as well as her art work which she sells from her home in Cardiff.

13 yr. old Linda with Lola at the Pinehill houseCalifornia Dreamin' acrylic sold to Buzz Dupont

Leonard Janis

Every new day begins with possibilities. And that's the way it is.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

John Gehman

John Gehman

Graduated BSEE U. Colorado 1968 and got married.  I am still married to the same person after 46 years.  We had two children:  Our son is a Marine Lt Colonel and flies the V22 at Miramar.  Our daughter lives in Phoenix and works for McKesson.

I worked at Pearl harbor Naval Shipyard, the Naval Torpedo Station in Keyport Washington, Motorola in Scottsdale Az and Ft WorthTxFreescale in Austin Tx.  My last job was at Qualcomm in San Diego before I retired two years ago.

I live in Escondido just above Lake Hodges and stay busy playing tennis, riding my mountain bike and taking care of my property.  I have been to a few places, most notably Ukraine (10 times).

The 68 Chevy picture was my car in college.  I could by it back now for only $130K.  Yes it is a 58 Impala Convertible but it was taken in 1968.

Coco Brush

Chuck and Dawn Fletcher Matthiesen

Chuck and Dawn Fletcher Matthiesen

Address: Ketchum, Idaho
Family: 2 married children - Paige and Taggart (LJHS class '94)Grandchildren: 4 - Fletcher, Wylie, Sloane and LoganHobbies: snowboarding, backpacking/hiking, bikingProfession: Chuck - computer software Dawn - Spanish tutor

Terry Cohen Werdann

Terry Cohen Werdann

After graduating high school,I was sent to Los Angeles at the end of August to start design school.  It was very different than La Jolla..I graduated with a B.S. in Design in three years.  Started working shortly after graduation ,which was usually fun and challenging.
Worked for Catalina Swimwear , Lanz, and several other,till I found a company I was with for 15 years.  At some point, I was burned out,so I became a Design Instructor at FIDM for another 15 years. I never thought I would be a teacher,but I loved it,working with young adults with imagination 
was rewarding. I married in 1967 to Bob, no children,  just Labradors. I lived in Woodland Hills,for the life of the marriage (29 years) and then some.  I needed to get out of the L.A. lifestyle,so I retired and moved to La Quinta, CA. I am starting my 5th year and love it.  I live in the  community
of Trilogy ( over 55 ). I still play golf. swim in the summer, involved with organizations such as the Creative Arts Club at Trilogy and the Activities committee.  
As a design Instructor I had the opportunity to learn CAFD, and was hooked on computers.  I taught the CAFD classes which included Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and wrote several boos to assist students in all Design Schools.  I live with my 3 year old white Labrador named Maizey Grace.
Four years ago I found my best friend  Valerie Forward on Facebook and we  connected and we are having  great time laughing and reliving those great years of LJHS.

Kathy Linder Hayward

Kathy Linder Hayward 

It’s challenging to condense 50 years in a paragraph but here goes . . . 
I live in Centennial, Colorado, where I have resided since heading to Boulder, Colorado, for college in 1964.  I spent 17 years as a real estate appraiser while raising my five children (four daughters and one son) and then went back to school to get a Master’s Degree in Media to become a school librarian. I retired as a high school librarian/technology specialist in 2007 and now spend my time enjoying my 7 grandchildren (not all at once!!), playing tennis, bridge, and traveling. My husband and I wrote a book on the brewpubs in Colorado, which was published in 2009, and we are now working on updating in an electronic version. Colorado is the state to live in if you enjoy craft beer! 

Barbara Mack Woerner “Mackabee”

Barbara Mack Woerner “Mackabee”
12 Starbrook Drive
Henderson, NV 89052 barbarawoerner@gmail.com

Wow! 50 years – needless to say it has been a long time since I connected with all of you. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again and catching up on your lives.

I have fond memories of La Jolla High School – mostly because of the friends I made and the activities we worked on together. I joined Drill Team, Silhouettes, Mariners and Girls’ League - which kept me busy and out of trouble??? (Hmmm - I do remember a sleepover adventure that involved 5 giggly under-aged girls sneaking the parent’s car out for a drive up and down Nautilus around midnight). Favorite memories include Mr. Krom’s wild and imaginative stories in science class, pep rallies (remember the ever-popular cheerleaders Salliwite Vining and Jim Storm?) and football games followed by pizza at Pernicano’s.

My senior year of high school I met my future husband, Bill Woerner – a Mission Bay High School rival. We got married our Junior year of college and graduated from San Diego State College in 1969 – me with a BA in English and a California Teaching Credential and he 
 redential. We both had job offers and planned to live in San Diego but on a whim we ended up interviewing for teaching jobs in Hawaii and moved to the islands in 1970. We spent 5 years teaching on Molokai and then transferred to the Big Island of Hawaii and ended up in Kailua-Kona where we settled.

We built a house in Kona (took 26 years to complete! – what can I say – it was an ongoing project), raised two sons (Jason and Rick), played tennis, enjoyed friends and the beaches and after 30 years of teaching in public schools, we each developed and founded our own charter schools. I was Director of Innovations Public Charter School – a K-8 project-based school with a focus on performing arts and sustainability. Bill was Director of West Hawaii Explorations Academy – a project-based high school with a science focus. Both schools won multiple awards. The process of developing our own schools was challenging and I’m very proud of our schools’ success. Working to make learning meaningful and fun for kids was very rewarding. It was a great way to end our teaching careers before retiring in 2010.

After 42 years in Hawaii, we were ready for a change and wanted to be closer to family and friends living in San Diego. We sold our house and moved to Anthem Country Club in Henderson, NV – a great community south of Las Vegas. We drive to San Diego frequently to visit our family: Jason, UNR graduate (biology), a game designer at Sony Online Entertainment; Rick, Planning Manager at ODM in Poway; and my sister, Roz –a 1961 LJHS graduate, who lives in Ocean Beach. I love being retired. I play a lot of bridge, travel frequently, enjoy my book group, cook and entertain friends, and work on house projects. Life is good! We’ll be traveling to Provence, France in October 2014 (right after the reunion) and we’re looking forward to the upcoming marriage of our son, Jason, to the love of his life, Michaelanne, a recent graduate of the Salk Institute doctoral program.

Ralph Stewart

Ralph Stewart

After graduating from LJHS, attended Midland Lutheran College in Fremont, Nebraska. Transferred to San Diego State in 1966 and received Bachelor of Science degree in January, 1969.
Married to Annette (Lindsay) (SDSU) in March, 1969. Daughter Lindsay born in June, 1972 and son Scott born in September, 1975.
Entered the business world in 1970 with the Robert F. Driver Company. Specialized in life insurance and employee benefit planning. Became a vice president of the firm in 1978.
Elected President of the San Diego Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors in 1980.
Coached baseball at the high school level (Scripps Ranch HS & UCHS) and collegiately (Point Loma Nazarene University and San Diego State) for 14 years.
Have three (3) grandchildren: Ivy Luna Stewart (age 5) and Finley Sol Stewart (age 5)(twins); Zachary A.
Stewart (1 year) (DOB: 10/4)
Have resided in Scripps Ranch since 1972.

Carla Bowlin

Carla Bowlin

My husband, Doug, and I are now both retired!  He retired from the Department of Corrections as Supervisor of Correctional Education Programs.  I retired from San Luis Obispo Superior Courts as a court reporter.  Our daughter, June, is married and they have one child.  She is an agricultural teacher at Fresno Central High School.  Her husband is an attorney and a realtor.  Our son, Andy, is a photographer and works part time for the United States Post Office.  He has his own gallery, called The Green Room, in Cayucos, California. 

We live on an acre and a half.  We have many fruit trees, and Doug enjoys growing vegetables.  I try to keep fit by going to the gym, yoga classes, and walking.  Genealogy is another hobby, and I am working with my cousin creating a book tracing our mutual ancestors. 

Life is good!

Carla Marriner Bowlin 
17155 Oak Ave. 
Atascadero, CA 93422 
(805) 438-3938