Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kristi Johnson Shoe

Kristi Johnson Shoe

I have been married to my husband Jim for 46 years.  We were married in 1968 and when he graduated from Dental School the Army sent us to Germany for 3 years.  Some of our best years ever.  We brought home our daughter at 9 months old to
meet family.  "We" set up practice in Seattle and have lived here ever since. Our son was born in 1973, at 41 he is still a bachelor  but thinks he's ready to settle down.  I thought it was the best kept secret in America to stay home and raise my children
in the 70's and 80's.  After both kids went off to college, I became a florist and did lots of weddings for a number of years. Along with that I also started selling Antiques.  I have collected for years, about twenty years ago the Antiques won out and
I am still dealing with them, it allows me to enjoy  giving and supporting a number of Missionaries, primarily in Lebanon, my adopted country.

1991 was an epic year for me, I found and was reunited with my firstborn son. God truly opened to door for us to meet!!  In 1966 I was put to sleep when he was born and twenty five years later I saw someone who looked a lot like me with smiling green eyes
looking back.  Hard to describe in words, he is beautiful and we've had a wonderful relationship for almost 23 years.  I could talk about "my story" all day but hopefully in my lifetime I will write it down. All three children are a great joy to me as is their 
relationship with each other.  God is good and I thank Him for the life I've had.

We are just heading down to California for two weeks, I plan to look for a place to buy, love to be a snowbird and take care of a much younger brother who became handicapped about 5 years ago.

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