Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Keith Schneider

 Keith Schneider

I'm living in the Tampa Florida area now with my wife Maria. We are both retired and moved here in 2009.
 I was in shoe fashion and design for various womens shoe companies for 35 years, and also sold the collections. 

My wife and I have two sons Eric who is a teacher in Phoenix, Az, and is married to Veronica. And Brian who is the city manager for Morgans Point, Tx. outside of Houston. Brian and his wife Heidi have to sons Blake age 7 and Grant age 4.

I love fishing, working out, swimming, going antiquing with Maria. I'm also very involved with our VA club here at Valencia Lakes.
 Brian and Heidi Schneider
 Keith and Maria Schneider
Eric and Veronica Schneider

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