Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jim Owens

Jim Owens

 I  began my airline career in June of 1967 with PSA. I worked passenger service in San Diego. During that time I did In-the-air traffic reports for KFMB radio giving traffic reports during the morning and evening traffic commutes. I became a Director of Passenger Service in 1968. In June of 1970, I was hired to do what my life long dream was and that was as an airline pilot with PSA. During my career I was a Flight Engineer, Co-pilot and eventually a Captain. I was an instructor and check pilot for PSA. In 1988 PSA was bought by USAIRWAYS. I was promoted to Chief Pilot in the Los Angeles domicile for 9 years at which time the domicile was closed. I returned to International flying going to places such as Rome, London, Frankfurt, Munich, Madrid, Manchester and Paris. My favorite was Rome!! Absolutely love Italy!!! I am the proud father of five children. Jason, Annie, James, Michael and Ashley. Between the five, I am blessed with 5 grand kids. On September 26th of this year, I was married to my 19 year long love Kathy.  We finally moved from La Jolla to Valley Center in 2012. We love the country!!

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