Tuesday, November 11, 2014

April Normandie-Harry

April Normandie-Harry

Fifty years is a very long time, I did not enjoy High School and always felt like an outsider looking in.  Did not retain HS Friendships…
After HS went to college, dropped out of college and went back and finished…that was the easy part.  I am still working and thinking of retirement, maybe next year.  I spent the early part of my career as a Reliability Engineer in the medical device field and after about 20 years morphed into management and have been there ever sense. My career has given me the opportunity to work in Finland, France and Germany, the working was not so much fun, but the traveling during time off was awesome.
I have lived in numerous states since graduation and have now settled in Salt Lake City, Utah.  A dream location if you like the outdoors, which I do.  I purchased a Craftsman Bungalow in the Sugar House area, built in 1914, renovated and am living my dream. 
For fun I mainly focus on being out of doors.  I used to cycle (road) until I met a drunk driver one day, as I was air flighted to the hospital they gave me no chance of survival, surprise I made it.  Nothing like 3 months in a hospital and a year in rehab to rejoice in life.  Cycling is out now, but I stay involved in the cycling community by working races, local and national.  I work as a Coarse Marshall at the Amgen Tour of California, Tour of Utah and USA Pro Challenge in Colorado.  Avidly follow the races in Europe and around the world.
Since moving to Utah I have taken up Kayaking and Hiking.  Utah is a mecca for these activities, lots of wakeless lakes and awesome trails.  Hiking here is amazing, moose, elk, deer and other rodents to look out for, not to mention the scenery.  There are more trails the one could walk in a life time.

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