Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Gail Patterson

Gail Patterson
In the fall of 1964, I went to the University of Colorado and spent two wonderful years in Boulder.  Returned to CA in 1966 and graduated from San Diego state with a BA degree in English.  I met Walter Frick at SDSU, we married in November 1968.  He enlisted in the Air Force.  We were sent to Texas for a year. I earned a teaching credential from UT-Austin. He was then stationed in Mt. Home, Idaho for three years. The first two of our three children were born there.  We moved to Corvallis, OR in 1973 for graduate school, he in atmospheric sciences, I in accounting.  In 1976 we moved to the Bay area for Walter’s job in SF.  I worked at a CPA firm in Fremont.  We moved back to Corvallis in 1977.  He worked for the EPA.  Our third child was born that year.   In the early 1980’s I finished my accounting coursework and passed the CPA exam.  Worked for two years at CPA firms and then began a 31 year career working in the Oregon University System as a payroll manager, then accounting/endowment/bond manager, and finally a budget manager for the College of Ag, Agricultural Experiment Station.   I retired in the fall of 2012.   Walter and I divorced in 1993.
I’ve traveled to all 50 states and some of the world—much of Europe, all the Baltic States, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Italy.  A few were group trips but many were done traveling with my spouse or with friends on our own.   I’ve taken French, German, Spanish and a little Italian in preparation for the trips.
I wanted to hike and do other activities post-divorce, so started hiking, backpacking, cross country skiing and singles groups at the local Unitarian Fellowship. Seven of us started the first annual UU women’s retreat in 1992.  That was a wonderful 5 year period before I took my final 15 year intense, worked too many hours, job at OSU.   I done white water rafting in Oregon, Montana, Canada and Costa Rica since the 1970’s, though not in the last 10 years.
After retiring in late 2012 I spent a lot of time traveling in Oregon, Montana and to southern CA, visiting friends and relatives, for a year until my back went haywire again in late 2013.   First back surgery was in 2006 was done incorrectly.  Hoping to get the issues fixed this month (November 2014) with a second surgery. 
My children are now 43, 41 and 36.   The two oldest have not married and have no kids.  The eldest, Erika, went to Stanford for undergrad and then Harvard Law School.  She practiced law for 15 years, several years in DC working for a judge, a few years working for a private firm and almost 10 years as assistant US Attorney for SF.   Decided she didn’t like being a prosecutor and started taking courses in non-violent communication, and various other belief systems.   She quit her SF job three years ago and started her own business, as a life coach, some in-person, but much of it via Skype.   She’s doing well.  She splits her time between her apartment in SF and her house near Tahoe.  We all spend time in the Tahoe area with her.   My older son, Karl, has BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering from OSU.  He worked for Cal Trans in Sacramento and then ODOT in Salem for 10 years, decided he didn’t like office politics and the way government was running in both cases.  He has been self-employed, doing construction, gardening, yard maintenance, etc. for 6 years.  He currently lives in Corvallis.  My younger son, David, graduated from OSU in Biology and Chemistry.  He was a wine maker in Napa Valley for 6 years and then in Paso Robles for 6 years.  He married a woman he’d known in high school and college (but hadn’t dated before) in 2010.   They have a 3 year old son, Everett, and a 9 month old daughter, Juliana.  They moved back to Portland in late 2012.   Dave lost his last wine maker position just as his wife was returning to work as a pediatrician when their oldest was 3 months old.  Dave has been a full time caregiver for the kids for 3 years.    David also has a set of twin boys, Max and Isaak, who live with their mother and other grandmother near Escondido, CA.  They are almost 9 years old.  I visit them in So Cal about 4 times a year.   They visited us in Oregon last summer.   We had a great time playing in creeks and rivers and at playgrounds.
Gail Patterson

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